Monday, November 13, 2006

Conversation to Conversion

How often do we talk about stuff, get excited about it, then go away and do nothing about it? It seems all too often in my life.

I was talking to myself today on the way to work today (shut-up, all people talk to themselves) and I made a slip of the tongue a couple of times and said "conversion" when I meant to say "conversation." This led me to think about those two things together.

Yesterday I had a couple of great conversations with people that led to a deeper insight about myself, my life, and the Lord. I let these thoughts linger in my mind for a while as I drove home, but by the time I arrived at my house and started working on a school paper, all those great ponderings simply disappeared in a *poof*.

So as I was driving this morning, I wondered how often this happens to me. As I reflected I sadly came to the conclusion that I talk more than I act when it comes to this great spiritual stuff. I have developed a great capacity to think and ponder deep spiritual things, but I often don't allow it to make it down to my heart or into my actions. As sad as this is, it is convicting to me that I may be a "poser." I dread the thought that people may see me as a big mouth that continuously spews forth. With that conviction in mind I have resolved to talk a little less and act a little more. No one likes the talking head.

The way that I'll know I'm successful is that those people around me will notice a change.

I must never get contented with where I am in my spiritual journey. I must constantly press on to greater depth. I need to let these conversations lead to conversions.

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